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TP-UART2 Evaluation Board

The TP-UART2  Evaluation Board gives the user the capability to connect an application to the KNX bus in an early development state for prototyping and/or evaluate the features of Siemens TPUART2.

In addition to the TP-UART2- BTM2-PCB the the TP-UART2- Evaluation Board offers the following features:

Two options to connect to a host controller, ‘COUPLED’ (electrically isolated to KNX bus) and ‘NOT COUPLED’ (directly connected to TP-UART).

For communication with the host controller two different baud rates can be selected: TP-UART2 9600 or 19200 Baud and TP-UART2+ 115200 or 19200 Baud

Supply voltage selection of  3.3 V or 5 V for external loads.

Setting Normal or Analog Mode






EVB TP-UART2+ Preis:



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